Sunday, February 8, 2009

Adding gadets

I tried to add the online productivity tools link as a gadget but to no avail so here is the url if anyone is interested

Weeks 11 &12

I didn't know there were so many free tools available out there in cyber space and I found lots more after a bit of searching which hopefully I've added as a gadget. I like the idea of google docs zoho etc which seems to be more efficient than using attatchments to emails.

Social networking definitely has its place but I don't think I will be putting myself out there on a personal basis. We looked at second life at TAFE and I found it a bit worrying that people can become so engrossed and absorbed by this technology.

Now I have finally finished this journey I know there are some areas that I found it easy to get my head around and others I'm still shaking my head over. I hope that I will be able to use this new technology in the workplace and in my studies as I have found in the past "if you don't use it you lose it."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Weeks 8, 9 &10

Found answer boards an interesting experience - the relationship ones I looked at are a bit like an agony aunt column. I can see how it could change the whole concept of the reference interview. I need to get some help on subscribing to podcasts, but I can see the value in them, especially for training purposes and to catch up on missed programmes and presentations.

Once I worked out mashups and got into big huge labs I had fun. Lots of activities for kids here.

My jigsaw puzzle comes from a photo I took of a beautiful camellia in our garden.